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www.MasterFy.com 2012-02-27 11:29 上海上海宇译翻译有限公司



刑事诉讼法 Criminal Procedure Law
民事诉讼法 Civil Procedure Law
行政诉讼法 Administrative Procedure Law
民法通则 General Principles of the Civil Law
暂行条例 interim regulationas
中国特色社会主义法律体系 the socialist system of laws with Chinese Characteristics
依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家 govern the country by law and build a socialist country under the rule of law
《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》 Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会选举法 Electoral Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses
地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法 Organic Law of the Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments
著作权集体管理条例 Regulations on the Collective Administration of Copyright
计算机软件保护条例 Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software
信息网络传播权保护条例 Regulations on the Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information
知识产权海关保护条例 Regulations on the Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Right
经济合同法 Economic Contract Law
民族区域自治法 Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy
香港特别行政区基本法 Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
劳动法 Labor Law
专利法 Patent Law
商标法 Trademark Law
环境影响评价法 Law on Environment Impact Assessment
义务教育法 Compulsory Education Law
高等教育法 Higher Education Law
职业教育法 Vocational Education Law
文物保护法 Law on the Protection OF Cultural Relics
环境保护法 Environmental Protection Law
水污染防治法 Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution
大气染防治法 Law on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution
固体废物污染环境防治法 Law on the Prevention and Control of Pollution by Solid Waste
矿产资源法 Mineral Resources Law
人民调解法 Peopple's Mediation Law
劳动争议仲裁法 Law on Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration
食品安全法 Food Safety Law
危害国家安全罪 the crime of endangering national security
危害公共安全罪 the crime of endangering public security
消费者权益保护法 Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests
继承法 Succession Law
产品质量法 Product Quality Law
反不正当竞争法 Anti-Unfair Competition Law
农村土地承包法 Law on the Contracting of Rural Land
政府采购法 Government Procurement Law
行政复议法 Administrative Reconsideration Law
行政处罚法 Law on Administrative Penalty
国家赔偿法 Law on National Compensation
中外合作经营企业法 Law on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation Joint Ventures
外资企业法 Law on Foreign-funded Enterprises
个人独资企业法 Law on Individual Proprietorship Enterprises
妨害社会管理秩序罪 the crime of disrupting the order of social administration
危害国防利益罪 the crime of endangering the interests of national defense
贪污贿赂罪 the crime of embezzlement and bribery
渎职罪 the crime of dereliction of duty
军人违反职责罪 the crime of servicemen's transgression of duties
物权法 Property Law
侵权责任法 Tort Law
海商法 Maritime Code
票据法 Negotiable Instruments Law
城市房地产管理法 Law on Urban Real Estate Administration
对外贸易法 Foreign Trade Law
中外合资经营企业法 Law on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪 the crime of undermining the order of the socialist market economy
侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利罪 the crime of infringing upon the rights of the person and the democratic rights of citizens
侵犯财产罪 the crime of encroaching on property




