
首页 » 资料笔译 » 宇译翻译公司为武汉钢铁(集团)公司提供专业英语合同翻译服务

武钢是新中国成立后兴建的第一个特大型钢铁联合企业,于1955年开始建设,1958913日建成投产,是中央和国务院国资委直管的国有重要骨干企业。本部厂区座落在湖北省武汉市东郊、长江南岸,占地面积21.17平方公里。武钢拥有从矿山采掘、炼焦、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢及配套公辅设施等一整套先进的 钢铁生产工艺设备,是我国重要的优质板材生产基地。武钢联合重组鄂钢、柳钢、昆钢股份后,已成为生产规模逾 4000万吨的大型企业集团,居世界钢铁行业第四位。2012年排名世界500强企业第321位。武钢已成为全球特大型现代化钢铁联合企业,全球最具竞争力的钢铁企业之一。






Article 1  Party A shall abide by the following obligations:

1. Party A shall provide personnel management services to Party B and its Chinese employees according to law, apply security, health and personnel administration checks to the Chinese employees to be employed by Party B and submit its check results.

2. Upon receipt of necessary materials from the Chinese employees, Party A shall take the responsibility to proceed with corresponding procedures, sign the Labor Contract with them and establish social insurance and housing provident fund for them.

3. Party A shall educate the Chinese employees to strictly abide by the Chinese laws, rules and regulations as well as Party B’s working regulations and disciplines.

4. Party A shall conduct trainings, assessment and evaluation for the Chinese employees and organize them to take part in trainings and examinations on professional titles and technician levels.

5. As entrusted by Party B, Party A shall collect and pay the full monthly remuneration to the Chinese employees and withhold/collect and pay individual income taxes on behalf of the employees according to law.

6. As entrusted by and on behalf of Party B, Party A shall collect and pay the social insurance and housing provident fund for the Chinese employees.

7. Party A shall provide consultations to Party B in terms of labor and employment policies, regulations and laws.

Article 2  Party A has the following rights:

1. Party A has the right to collect from Party B the total fees for employment of Chinese employees, the management and service fees and other related fees in accordance with this contract.

2. Party A has the right to request Party B to pay the Chinese employee economic and/or other compensations which he/she is entitled to according to the Labor Law and the Law of Employment Contract.

3. Party A has the right to request Party B to discharge a Chinese employee who is in violation of Chinese laws and regulations as well as rules and regulations stipulated by Party A.

4. Party A shall protect the legal rights and interests of Chinese employees; have the right to lodge a written complaint with Party B and engage in negotiations with Party B in case that Party B violates any article or item of this contract, or infringes upon the legal rights and/or interests of Chinese employees.

Article 3  Party B shall abide by the following obligations:

1. Party B recognizes that Party A is designated by the Chinese government as the sole institution exclusively responsible for providing personnel services to Party B and the Chinese employees. Party B shall respectively pay Party A the total fees for employment of the dispatched Chinese employees, the management and service fees and other related fees within the agreed period and in the agreed amount.

2. Party B shall notify Party A 15 days prior to the commencement of employment of a new Chinese employee in writing and reminds the Chinese employee to submit all employment papers to and sign the Labor Service Contract with Party A and fulfill procedures relevant to the social security program 10 days before the employee’s work commences. In case the Chinese employee fails to pay for the social security in the full amount because of Party B, Party B is liable for paying a penalty for the delay at 0.05% per day of the monthly social security contribution of the Chinese employee payable by Party B and bearing the consequences related to the delay in paying for the social security in sufficient amount.

3. Party B shall employ, manage and use its Chinese employees in compliance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China; Law of the People’s Republic of China on Employment Contract, and other related laws and regulations as well as this Contract.


上海宇译翻译有限公司(Masterfy Translations Co., Ltd.)由曾任职于大型专业上海宇译翻译有限公司和本地化服务提供商的资深项目经理、高级审译人员,以及经验丰富的IT编辑、排版工程师联合组建而成,都具有丰富的实际翻译和大型项目管理经验。翻译质量和服务水平深受客户好评,树立了良好的信誉,极大地提升了上海宇译翻译有限公司翻译的品牌和知名度。公司提供的翻译服务包括各语种笔译、软件本地化、网站本地化、音()频本地化、商务陪同口译、交替传译、同声传译、多媒体翻译、桌面排版(DTP)、软件测试、翻译培训、人力外包、同传设备租赁、翻译盖章认证等特色服务。


